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FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta Pentahelix Sigap Sehati 2 in Tugu Village, Cimanggis District, Depok

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 519

FIKES UPNVJ - Lecturers at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPN VJ) together with UPN VJ students and students from the Independent Campus program, namely the Merdeka Student Exchange Batch 3 (PMM 3) from various regions held an activity " Pentahelix Sigap Sehati II" at the Raflesia Integrated Islamic High School, Depok on Wednesday (22/11/23).


Pentahelix Sigap Sehati II is a continuation of the Pentahelix Sigap Sehati I program initiated by FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta in 2022 involving five elements including government, academics, media, community and entrepreneurs. This activity is packaged in the form of integrated empowerment in the health sector involving various health professions.

On this occasion, the activities carried out in the context of Pentahelix were in the form of education and health screening which was attended by 119 students from 4 classes, namely Class 10 Science 1 and 2 and Class 10 IPS 1 and 2 with the resource person being the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, namely Mrs. Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, S.Kep., M.Kep, Sp.Kep.M and the UPN VJ FIKES lecturer, namely Dr. Laily Hanifah, SKM, M.Kes, Dr. Lusyta Puri Ardhiyanti, SSt, M.Kes, Ns Lina Berliana, S.Kep, MKep, Ns. Dwi Suratmini, S.Kep, M.Kep and Mr. Ikhsan M Amar, S.Gz, M.Kes.


This event starts from 09.00-13.00 WIB, which is filled with a series of activities, namely remarks from FIKES UPN VJ lecturers and the school, followed by a pre-test then providing material about anemia, question and answer, post-test, then distribution of prizes for students. who were active during the activity, health screening for students and closed with a group photo. Health screening includes checking height, weight, upper arm circumference, blood pressure, eye, tooth and ear health, risk behavior, as well as checking hemoglobin levels specifically for female students. This event received an enthusiastic response from the students because it was very beneficial for them.

The Dean of FIKES UPN VJ, Mrs. Desmawati, Skep, MKep, Sp.Mat, PhD explained that the activities and collaboration that have been well established for the past 2 years are expected to be sustainable and improve the level of public health in the city of Depok.


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