Strategic Planning
Implementing education and learning process with a competency-based curriculum in accordance with the development of science and technology in health sector
Producing graduates who are professional and have a national perspective, leadership, and entrepreneurial skill
Increasing the participation of academic community through research products and scientific journals at national and international levels
Increasing the participation of the academic community through community services according to community needs
Achieving an adequate number of high-quality educators and staffs
Availability of adequate and high-quality facilities and infrastructure
Improving the quality of research and community service activities
1. Establishing research and community service unit
2. Providing research funds for lecturers
3. Journal publishing
4. Providing funds for community service activities by lecturers involving students
Increasing cooperation
1. Increasing the amount of practical training for students
2. Improving the quality of MoU by strengthening cooperation with other agencies (hospitals where graduates work)