“Campus Hiring Day” Program Studi Profesi Ners Program Profesi dan RSPI Grup


FIKES UPNVJ - The Nursing Profession Education Study Program FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta in collaboration with Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI) Group held an offline "Campus Hiring Day (Nursing)" on Tuesday,

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Coordination of Cooperation Preparation (PKS) between FIKES UPNVJ and BNPB


FIKES UPNVJ - On Wednesday 20 March 2024, the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation Agustiyawan, SST, FT, M.Fis, Ftr, AIFO, held a direct dialogue with Widyaiswara Pusdiklat BNPB

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Kunjungan dan Rapat kordinasi Program Profesi Ners UPNVJ dengan PK3D Provinsi DKI Jakarta Terkait Praktik Klinik Profesi Ners "Pre Hospital"


FIKES UPNVJ - On Thursday, January 4 2024, the Nurse Professional Education Study Program made a visit to the Regional Health Crisis and Emergency Center of the Special Capital Region

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