FIKES UPNVJ - The Pentahelix Sigap Sehati II activity was held on Wednesday, November 22 2023 at 09.00–12.00 WIB at MTs Nurul Falah Areman, Cimanggis District, Depok City, West Java. This activity was initiated by FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta in 2022 involving five elements including government, academics, media, community and entrepreneurs.
The series of activities consisted of an opening which was held in a separate room from the place of counseling activities and guided by Ismaya Ramadhanti as MC, followed by remarks by Mr. Agustiyawan, as Deputy Dean 3, and Mr. Alfu Satfi, S.Ag as principal of MTs Nurul Falah Areman. . The activity continued with reading prayers guided by Mr. Shofari as a representative from MTs Nurul Falah Areman, singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara, symbolically handing over plaques and quaker oats. Then the team conducted education regarding anemia to 55 students who were in two different rooms for men and women.
Both rooms began with a pretest, presentation of educational material related to anemia and a question and answer session with Dr. Chandrayani Simanjorang, M. Epid. (women's room) and Mr. Andy Sirada, S.S.T, M.Fis (men's room). The activity continued with completing the post-test and giving door prizes to the best questioners. Health screening is also carried out on grade 7 students which includes checking height, weight, upper arm circumference, blood pressure, eye, teeth and ear health, risky behavior, as well as checking hemoglobin levels specifically for female students. The activity ended with a closing ceremony which was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Mrs. Desmawati, SKP, MKep, Sp.Mat, PhD. Apart from the team from FIKES UPNVJ, Pentahelix Sigap Sehati II activities at MTs Nurul Falah were also assisted by Fadiyah Qistina Hidayat, SKM as a representative of Tugu Community Health Center staff and 6 Independent Student Exchange (PMM) students from various regions.