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BEM : FORUM ASPIRASI MAHASISWA 2023 “Build a Better Campus Environment Through Aspiration”

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 271

FIKES UPNVJ - On Wednesday 18 October 2023, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta carried out the 2023 Student Aspiration Forum activities offline which took place at the Tanah Airku Auditorium, UPNVJ Limo Campus. FAM 2023 activities start at 09.00 to 12.30 WIB. The aim of holding the 2023 FAM activity is to convey aspirations related to ongoing problems and issues from students of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences which have not been completed/resolved.


The 2023 FAM activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, namely Mrs. Desmawati, SKp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat., PhD, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, namely Mrs. Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, S.Kep., M.Kep., Mp.Kep., MB, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance namely Mr Sugianto., S.E., MM., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation namely Mr Agustiyawan, SST.FT, M.Fis, Ftr, AIFO, Head of the Physiotherapy Study Program Department and Coordinator of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program, namely Mrs. Farahdina Bachtiar, S.Ft, Physio, M.Sc, AIFO, Head of the Public Health Study Program Department, namely Mrs. Dr. Apriningsih, MKM, Diploma Program Physiotherapy Study Program Coordinator, Mrs. Rena Mailani, S.FT, M. Biomed, Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program Coordinator, Mrs. Dr. Nur Intania Sofianita, S.I.Kom, MKM, Coordinator of the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program, namely Mrs. Ns. Gamya Tri Utami, M.Kep, Coordinator of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Mr. Arga Buntara, SKM., M.P.H., Head of the Nutrition Laboratory, Mr. Nanang Nasrulloh, STP, MSi, Representative of the Department's Student Association, and Family of UPNVJ Faculty of Health Sciences Students.


The 2023 Student Aspiration Forum (FAM) activities began with an opening by Azzahra Hanifa as Master of Ceremony, then continued with singing the songs Indonesia Raya and MARS Bela Negara. Then continued with a group photo session. After that, the activity continued with giving a speech. The first speech was delivered by the chief executive, Navisa Salsabilla Adi Maharani, then continued with remarks from Mrs. Desmawati, SKP, M.Kep, Sp. Kep, Mat, PhD. as Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The next series of events is the handing over of the MC to the moderator, namely Syakira Auly Maulida, who will moderate the process of conveying student aspirations to the dean's ranks. The aspirations conveyed are in the form of FAM survey results via Google Form which have been distributed to all FIKES UPNVJ students. The 2023 FAM survey results were delivered by the representative of the BEM FIKES UPNVJ Student Advocacy and Welfare bureau, namely Rahman Aziz Haditama. After the session conveying aspirations by BEM FIKES UPNVJ, it was continued with a session conveying aspirations by representatives of all Department Student Associations (HMJ) FIKES UPNVJ, starting from HMKM, HIMAGI, HMPSIK, HISFO, HIMFIS, and HIMADIKA. After all the aspirations were conveyed, all levels of deans, study program coordinators, heads of departments, and heads of UPNVJ FIKES laboratories provided responses to these problems and issues. The event continued with a discussion session and then continued with a closing statement with the reading of a Memorandum of Understanding by the moderator which had been approved and signed by the Dean's Staff, Study Program Coordinator, Head of Department, and Head of the UPNVJ FIKES Laboratory and also representatives of all HMJ within the UPNVJ FIKES environment. FAM 2023 activities ended with closing by the MC.


It is hoped that after the 2023 Student Aspiration Forum activities, aspirations related to problems and issues currently occurring at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences can be heard, accepted and immediately followed up by the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta campus. (JNR/AUK)


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