FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and all the Academic Community of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta wish CONGRATULATIONS and SUCCESS to Renasti Pratiwi 2310721030 Student of the Nursing Professional Education Study Program Professional Program who won 3rd place in the Kyukenshi Women's Pair number in the XXI PON XXI Qualification Round 2023 which was held on August 20 to 24 at Graha ITS, Surabaya.
Renasti Pratiwi 2310721030 took part in 2 categories in the 2023 PON XXI Qualification Round, namely the Women's Kyukenshi Pair and Women's Team. Renasti won 3rd place in the Women's Kyukenshi Pairs number and 4th place in the Women's Team in the 2023 PON XXI Qualification Round. The two numbers followed by Renasti succeeded in advancing to PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra in the upcoming 2024 year.