FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, November 4 2023 at 10.00 WIB – 11.30 WIB, the Matra Health Project activity was carried out with the theme "Prevention and Management of Injury Risk for BUVEJA UKM Members" which was held at the Cabetiga GOR. This event was organized by Group 2 of class A5 for the Matra Health Subject which consisted of 5th semester students from the Nursing, Public Health and Physiotherapy Study Program. Participants who attended this event were members of UKM BUVEJA.
This event was also attended by Mr. Farchan Ardiansyah as trainer from UKM BUVEJA and Muhammad Iqbal Saputera as Chair of UKM BUVEJA. The series of activities are registration, opening by the MC, remarks by the BUVEJA UKM Trainer, BUVEJA UKM Chair, and Chief Executive.
The event continued with completing the PreTest, delivering material regarding preventing and managing the risk of injury, demonstration or practice of procedures for preventing and treating injuries when playing badminton, a question and answer session, and completing the PostTest.
The event continued with the presentation of certificates and a group photo session, as well as closing. By carrying out this field activity, it is hoped that all participants, namely UKM BUVEJA members, can apply their knowledge in preventing and treating cases of injury while playing badminton.