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Physiotherapy Communication: Education on the Use and Dangers of Gadgets for Children on Posture

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 60

FIKES UPNVJ - On Monday, November 13 2023, D3 Physiotherapy Study Program students carried out Project Base Learning (PJBL) activities with the theme Education on the use and dangers of gadgets for children which was carried out in the 5th grade classroom at MI Raudhatul Muta'alimin. This activity aims to increase parental awareness, provide information to children, increase parents' ability to control gadget use, increase children's awareness about mental and physical health rather than gadgets, improve children's social skills, encourage positive gadget use, as well as increasing the knowledge of teachers and teaching staff.


Today's Project Base Learning (PJBL) activities run according to the schedule of activities starting from the opening by the MC, singing the Great Indonesia Song, speeches, handing over certificates, group photo session, pre test, presentation of material, ice breaking, post test, distribution prizes and group photo session, and finally closing by the MC.


In carrying out Project Base Learning (PJBL) activities today, D3 Physiotherapy Study Program students from Group 4 consisting of 7 people, consisting of Adinda Tasya Maharani (2310702051), Janika Triadita (2310702037), Chandiny Suryanti (2310702054), Alifah An Nasika (2310702045), Adryan Sufalah Kurnianto (2310702048), Naylatur Rizkiyah (2310702057), Nabiha Fitria Cinta Dien (2310702060). This Physiotherapy Communication Project Base Learning (PJBL) activity was taught by Mrs. Mona Oktarina, S.Ft., M.Biomed. Our group was guided by Mrs. Risa Kusuma Anggreani, S.ST., M.Biomed. and accompanied by Mr. Andy Sirada, SST.FT, M.Fis, AIFO.


The event went very smoothly. The children were very enthusiastic and cooperative during the activity. The children paid attention to and listened to the material provided as seen from the significant differences between the pre-test and post-test results.