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Edukasi Kesehatan Matra Bidang Kesehatan Festival atau Pentas Seni H2O : Healthy, Hydrated, And Optimal Safety (During School Festival) di SMAN 5 Depok

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 50

FIKES UPNVJ - Dimensional health is a special form of health effort carried out to improve physical and mental abilities to adapt to a changing environment. Maternal health has a crucial role in ensuring a good quality of life and human productivity anywhere and at any time, including in activities in certain areas, such as festivals/art performances. At festivals/art performances, unexpected situations can occur, such as emergencies, which can occur at any time and anywhere. Therefore, there is a need for education about material health at school festivals/art performances in order to prevent possible emergencies from occurring.


On Friday, October 6 2023, the "Matra Health Project Based Learning" activity took place. This event was organized by students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, which is a combination of active students from the Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Public Health as a form of application for Interprofessional Education (IPE) learning in the Health Dimensions course.

This event was held at 13.00-15.30 WIB at SMAN 5 Depok Perum Jl. Bukit Rivaria Sector 4, Surgan, Kec. Sawangan, Depok City, West Java, 16519. The aim of this event is to increase insight and understanding of health problems and their handling during school festivals for students of SMAN 5 Depok who are included in the committee organizing the school festival held by SMAN 5 Depok, namely Hyperduty . It is hoped that this event will be useful in increasing the knowledge and skills of students at SMAN 5 Depok regarding first aid or basic life support when festivals/art performances are held, so that they can handle things quickly if something undesirable happens.

This activity begins with registration and filling out the pre-test as well as distributing snacks to participants. Then, the MC opened and sang the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara. The next event is speeches. Welcome remarks were given by the chief executive, supervisor, and representatives of the SMA 5 Depok curriculum sector. Then proceed with giving a plaque to the school. Next, we entered the main event, namely providing material regarding H2O: Healthy, Hydrated, And Optimal Safety (During School Festival).
After the students presented the material, there was enthusiasm from the participants who asked several questions in the question and answer session and additional material was added by the supervisor. Followed by ice breaking. Next, we entered a demonstration of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and continued with a re-demonstration of participants performing CPR.

It was also seen that the participants were enthusiastic in taking part in each of these activities and were very enthusiastic in watching demonstrations and carrying out re-demonstrations. Then, it continued with giving prizes to the best questioners and participants who dared to re-demonstrate RJP. Next, complete the post-test at the end of the event to evaluate the audience's knowledge after the presentation of the material.

And the closing of the Matra Health Field Project Event with the theme "H2O: Healthy, Hydrated, and Optimal Safety (During School Festival)" for students from the Faculty of Health Sciences was officially closed by the MC and continued by a group photo session. (KP)