FIKES UPNVJ - On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, a Project Based Learning (PJBL) activity for the Massage Therapy course was carried out by Physiotherapy Students of the Undergraduate Program FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2022 class B, the content of our PJBL was in the form of educational counseling regarding the use of our product in the form of Massage Oil called "Essentia J". The PJBL activity was carried out at the Rindam Jaya Complex, East Jakarta, precisely at the Neighborhood Association (RT) 003.

The activity carried out was in the form of a presentation of Massage Therapy products in the form of Massage Oil with the product name, Essentia J. The product presentation was carried out together with the Head of RT 003, Mr. Haris Suprayoga. The product we presented is a therapy tool that is used to provide a relaxing effect when massage is being carried out, so that it can improve sleep quality, and help muscle recovery after activity. By implementing this Project Based Learning activity, it is hoped that it can provide benefits and be used properly by residents of RT 003, Rindam Jaya Complex, East Jakarta.