FIKES UPNVJ - A Health Counseling activity for Hypertension Disease was held by FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta students from group 3B of the Collaboration and Health Teamwork Course in the RT 02/01 area of Rangkapan Jaya Village. The activity took place from 13.00 WIB - 15.30 WIB on Sunday, December 8, 2024 with the theme "Happy Life Without Hypertension With HEALTH" this activity was attended by residents of RT 02/01 Rangkapan Jaya Village. The purpose of this event was to fulfill the assignment of the Collaboration and Health Teamwork Course with the supervising lecturer Dr. Firlia Ayu Arini, S.K.M., MKM and as a form of student concern in increasing knowledge related to hypertension for local residents. The chairperson of the implementation of this activity was Nurbaiti and other members who helped run this activity.
This activity began with participant registration, opening by the MC, reading of prayers, listening to the song Indonesia Raya, Mars Bela Negara, and Mars UPN, welcoming remarks, pre-test to find out the extent of residents' knowledge before being given the material, delivery of material carried out by three study programs, namely Public Health, Nutrition and Physiotherapy, question and answer session, post-test to find out the extent of residents' knowledge after being given the material, distribution of prizes for the best questioners, awarding of certificates to the RT head, documentation, and the last event was a blood pressure check carried out by the Nursing study program.
By holding health counseling related to hypertension, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on local residents so that they know what hypertension is and how to control blood pressure and how to avoid hypertension.