FIKES UPNVJ - Public Health Students Class of 2022 Semester 3 Class A Group 2 - On Wednesday, November 15 2023, a "THERAPEUTIC" Public Health Education Activity was carried out with the theme "Improving Teen Education so that they Understand Not to Get Married Early" which was held offline at the Madrasah Aliyah Citra Cendikia by Public Health Students Class of 2022 Semester 3 Class A Group 2 which aims to provide education about early marriage to Madrasah Aliyah Citra Cendikia students so that they can become the younger generation who understand the importance of avoiding early marriage. This activity was attended by Mrs. Dr. Apriningsih, SKM, MKM as supervisor, Mrs. Azka Khairunnisa M, Pd. as deputy head of Curriculum at Madrasah Aliyah Citra Cendikia, class 11 students at Madrasah Aliyah Citra Cendikia and Active Students Semester 3 Class A Group 2 Public Health UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.
The event began with filling in student attendance provided by the committee to confirm existing data. Then the event was opened by Raissa Amira and Meutya Zahra as MCs, then they prayed together and read the agenda and continued with remarks by the chief organizer, namely Fariz Putra Utama Lubis, Mrs. Dr. Apriningsih, SKM, MKM as supervisor and Mrs. Azka Khairunnisa M, Pd. as deputy head of Curriculum at Madrasah Aliyah Citra Cendikia.
Next, participants took the Pre-Test by logging in via quizizz media using cellphones from each committee which had previously been prepared in order to measure the participants' initial abilities. Then, it continued with the presentation of material by Janeiffah Rachma and Raisha Syahidah. Next, play games in an ice breaking session guided by Fayyaza Aqila. Then the event will continue with participants taking a Post-Test in the form of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to measure whether there has been an increase in students' understanding of early marriage. The event then continued with the announcement and distribution of prizes to students with the highest pretest scores and to ice breaker winners. Then continued with handing over the plaque to Madrasah Aliyah Citra Cendikia and don't forget to take the documentation. After that, a group photo was taken and the MC closed the event with thanks for holding the event.