FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, November 25 2023, a Project Based Learning (PjBL) Management of Growth and Development and Pediatric Physiotherapy activity was carried out with the theme "Optimizing the Development of Down Syndrome Children Through Play Therapy" which was carried out by Group 1 Students of the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program which was held at Rumah Ceria Down Syndrome by POTADS South Jakarta. This activity was attended by 52 participants who were members of the association of parents of children with Down syndrome.
The event starts at 08.30 WIB and finishes at 12.00 WIB, the event is divided into 2 sessions, namely session I at 08.30 s.d. 10.20 WIB then session II at 10.30 s.d. 12.00 WIB. The event began with participant registration and completing the pre-test, then the event was opened by Kurnia Fe Aulia as MC with a prayer and continued with remarks by Nida Nur Fauziah Azmi as Head of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) Management Physiotherapy Growth and Development and Pediatric Group 1 Team, followed by remarks by Mrs. Mona Oktarina, S.Ft, Ftr., M.Biomed as accompanying lecturer for Project Based Learning (PjBL) Management Physiotherapy Growth and Development and Pediatrics Group 1, followed by remarks by Mrs. Eliza Octavianti Rogi as General Chair of the Parent Child Association Foundation with Down Syndrome (POTADS) then continued with the presentation of certificates and group photos.
The next event was a presentation of material for parents with the title "Optimizing the Development of Down Syndrome Children Through Play Therapy" presented by Fadhira Citra Surya Anjani and Solagracia Sukatno Putri, which was then followed by a question and answer session. Followed by a Play Therapy Demonstration for children with Down syndrome and playing together between parents and children with Down syndrome. The event was closed by the MC by completing the post-test and giving gifts to all participants. Overall, the event went well and was in accordance with the series of events.(FCSA)