• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english

PjBL Kesehatan Matra yang bertemakan “ Mengenal Langit Biru : Mengungkap Rahasia dan Solusi Polusi Udara”

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 104

FIKES UPNVJ - On Friday, November 3 2023, the Community Service Field Project activity took place with the Matra Health course with the theme "Getting to Know the Blue Sky: Revealing Secrets and Solutions to Air Pollution". This activity was organized by students from the Public Health, Nursing and Physiotherapy Study Program Undergraduate Program and accompanied by Supervisor: Heri Wibisono, AMd.FT., S.Pd., M.Si., AIFO.


This activity was attended by people who live in the area of Jl. Koman Muin with 20 participants. This event was held at 12.00 - 15.00 at Posyandu Melati Azzahra Jl. Koman Muin, rt 04/05 kec.limo, Depok City, West Java. This event was held to increase knowledge about pollution and solutions that we can do with air pollution which has recently become a hot topic of discussion. This is carried out in the form of an effort to overcome the bad effects that will occur in society if they are exposed to air pollution too often.


This activity begins with participant registration and completing a pretest carried out by participants. Then Mc opened and read a prayer, followed by singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara. The next event was a speech given by the chief executive and resident representatives. Next, the main event was the provision of material about air pollution, after the presentation of the material continued with ice breaking and demonstrations on the use of masks, breathing exercises and simple inhalation. Then it continued with a question and answer session for participants who wanted to ask several questions. After the question and answer session, it continued with completing the post-test, documentation session, as well as documentation and closing sessions by the MC. From the Field Field Project activity, the results of the pre-test and post-test carried out by the participants showed that there was an increase in the score of 11 points from the pre-test score of 76.95 or 77 to 87.72 or 88 in the post-test. test. Thus, it can be said that the presentation of material and demonstrations delivered by the group can be well understood by the target audience.