FIKES UPNVJ - On Thursday, October 19 2023, the Community Service Field Project activity for the Matra Health course took place with the theme "Socialization and Demonstration of Basic Life Support (BLS) for Nature Lovers/PMR, Paskibra and Scout Students at SMAN 6 Depok". This event was organized by students from the Undergraduate Nursing, Public Health and Physiotherapy Study Program and accompanied by Supervisor: Heri Wibisono, AMd.FT., S.Pd., M.Sc., AIFO.
This activity was attended by administrators or members of the Nature Lovers/PMR, Paskibra and Scout extracurriculars at SMAN 6 Depok City with a total of 25 participants. This event was held at 09.00-12.00 WIB on Jl. Raya Limo No. 30, Limo, Depok City, West Java 16514, Indonesia. This event was held to increase knowledge and skills regarding Basic Life Support or Basic Life Support as a form of first aid when at-risk extracurricular students encounter victims who have no pulse or breath or are in an emergency situation.
This activity begins with registration, distribution of snacks, and a pre-test to participants. Then, the MC opened and read a prayer, followed by singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara. The next event was a speech delivered by the chief executive and school representatives. Next, the main event was the provision of material about Basic Life Support. After the presentation of the material, the video shows the steps for carrying out CPR. Then after that the participants asked several questions in the question and answer session. Followed by a demonstration and practice of RJP by the participants. Followed by the implementation of the post-test as well as documentation and closing of the MC.