FIKES UPNVJ - Stroke in Indonesia is increasing every year, data obtained from Basic Health Research in 2013, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia reached (7%) and increased to (10.9%) in 2018. Many stroke patients experienced worsening conditions. with the formation of pressure sores because the patient is always in bed in the same position for a long time, according to research data, almost 25% of stroke sufferers also suffer from pressure sores, therefore on Saturday, September 16 202, field project activities took place. Critical nursing is carried out at the Al-Muhajirin Musala in the area RT 03 RW 05, RT 03 RW 06, RT 05 RW 05, UPN Complex, Jl. Bojong Village Cemetery, Meruyung, Kec. Limo, Depok City, West Java 16515 by students of the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Semester 7. This activity was carried out offline with the theme "Strengthening the Role of the Family in Preventing Pressure Ulcers through Mobilization as a Nursing Strategy for Post-Stroke Patients”.
Before the education and demonstration were carried out, registration and blood pressure checks were first carried out by students for the activity participants, then the event was opened at 09.00 WIB by Kholil Lailatus as Master of Ceremony followed by reading prayers. The next event was speeches, starting with remarks by Vionita Apriliana as chief executive, remarks by Mr. Ns.Rycco Darmareja, S.Kep., M.Kep, as Lecturer in the Critical Nursing Course, then remarks by Mr. Sudarmadi as representative of the head of the local RT. After the speech, a pre-test was carried out which was continued with the main event, namely the presentation of health education by the team of presenters, the showing of educational videos by the video team and demonstration of ROM exercises as prevention of pressure sores.
Next, there was a discussion and question and answer session, the community was very enthusiastic about the presentation of the material, the community asked about the experiences of families who also experienced strokes, were curious about eating restrictions and asked whether the disease could be cured or not, the community also asked if pressure sores had occurred. how to handle it. The public's curiosity was very great, the presenters were eager to answer questions from the public. The discussion session was very conducive to the community, after which a post test was carried out, after the question and answer session was finished, it was continued with a documentation session and then the closing of the event.
At 11.30 WIB, group 2 of us cleaned the area. This extension activity ran smoothly and with very good enthusiasm from the residents. From our outreach activities, we really hope that the public, especially family members of stroke patients, can understand stroke and understand and apply ROM to prevent pressure sores.