FIKES UPNVJ - October 23-28, 2024 – Public Health Undergraduate Program students conducted early detection of signs and symptoms of hypertension and conducted health education on efforts to improve health to avoid hypertension. This health promotion activity is part of the field learning practice program 3 of the Field Learning Experience Course 32 which was supervised by Mr. Ns Afif Amir Amrullah, S.Kep, M.KKK and Dr. Januar Ariyanto, SKM., M.Kes as the supervising lecturer and student Margarita Anastasia. The target of this activity is the employees of PT Arka Ananta, a cement material exploration company. In the Bogor area, West Java.
Health promotion activities carrying the theme "Optimal Health, Maximum Performance" have a series of activities including: Preparation Preparations have been carried out since early September 2024, based on the data collected and the direction of the HSE leader, Mr. Estu Sasongko, hypertension was determined as a disease that needs to be watched out for as a silent killer of PT employees. Arka. Because based on the analysis of the situation in the last one period, there have been several employees who have died because they were preceded by hypertension, and many employees have been treated for similar symptoms. Before carrying out the promotion, students first make a proposal and SAP containing the date, time, duration, material, method, media, tools, materials, and planned stages of the activity. After that, the group prepared all the tools and materials to carry out the activity, such as posters as a medium for counseling, attendance lists, pretest and posttest questions, to be distributed to participants
The implementation of the activity was carried out on October 28, 2024 at 09.00–11.30 WIB on the workshop terrace with the opening of the event by the HSE officer and introductions by each participant from employees and supervisors, filling out the pretest by participants, followed by presentation of material by students with the help of promotional media in the form of posters, then participants were directed to fill out the posttest. The activity was closed by filling out the attendance list, and taking a group photo.
Evaluation was carried out before and after implementation. Evaluation was carried out by observing the results of the pretest and posttest of participants, the number of participants who attended the elderly gymnastics and participants who took part in blood pressure screening.
In order to increase knowledge related to hypertension, during counseling, the opportunity was given to ask questions directly to participants.