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Health Counseling Public Health Study Program Undergraduate Program

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 15

FIKES UPNVJ – September 20 - October 1, 2024 – Group 13 of Public Health Undergraduate Program students conducted health counseling from the Field Learning Experience 2 course, accompanied by Mr. Ns Afif Amir Amrullah, S.Kep, M.KKK and Mrs. Farahul Jannah S.Kep., M.KKK as lecturers. pembimbing.Screenshot_4.png

One of the groups of 7th semester students consisting of 1. Arya Fawwaz Abiyyunanda 2. Dayini Batrisyia 3. Zahra Manisha Choirala 4. Navisyah Dwi Qurrotul ‘Aini 5. Jasmine Safa Hafizhah 6. Mahalia Taranrini 7. Mutia Devani Rahmadanti 8. Dewi Syaidah Nafisah 9. Arkanaya Alya conducted Field Learning Experience (PBL) 2 in RW 009, Bedahan Village, Depok.


Health promotion activities carry the topic "Healthy in Old Age through Early Detection of Hypertension Symptoms and a series of activities including:

Preparation was carried out since early September 2024. The group agreed to choose a target in the form of parents and the elderly who are at risk of experiencing degenerative diseases. Before carrying out the promotion, the group first made a proposal and SAP containing the date, time, duration, material, method, media, tools, materials, and activity stage plans. After that, the group prepared all the tools and materials to carry out the activity, such as posters as a medium for counseling, attendance lists, pretest and posttest questions, and snacks to be distributed to participants

The implementation of the activity was carried out on November 20, 2024 at 09.00–09.30 WIB at the Majelis Ta'lim RW 009 Kelurahan Bedahan with the opening of the event and introduction of the group by each group member, filling out the pretest by participants, followed by the presentation of material by group representatives with the help of promotional media in the form of posters, then participants were directed to fill out the posttest. The activity was closed by filling in the attendance list, distributing snacks, and taking a group photo.

Evaluation was carried out before and after the implementation. Evaluation was carried out by observing the results of the pretest and posttest of participants, the number of participants who attended the elderly gymnastics and participants who took part in blood pressure screening and blood sugar checks.

In order to increase knowledge related to hypertension and health in old age, the group sent a video of physical fitness gymnastics and a video of hypertension education and provided an opportunity to ask questions online to the group.


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