• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english


  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 23

FIKES UPNVJ - From July 29 to August 1, 2024, SEMA Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a Visit Ormawa or VIOR activity with Ormawa Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which was carried out online via Zoom Meeting. This VIOR activity was attended by Ormawa Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.


This VIOR activity is one of the work programs of SEMA FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, which aims to introduce SEMA FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta for the 2024/2025 period to Ormawa Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and improve relations between SEMA FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and Ormawa Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.

Visit Ormawa was held for four days with 1 day attended by 2 ormawa. The first day was attended by HISFO and BEM FIKES UPNVJ which was opened by Marshanda Puspa Hanifah as the MC. The second day was attended by HIMFIS which was opened by Marshanda Puspa Hanifah as the MC and HIMAGI which was opened by Chandiny as the MC. The third day was attended by KSMI AN-NAHL and KSM Batavia which was opened by Nasywa Athiyah Zahra as the MC. The fourth day was attended by HMPSIK which was opened by Nasywa Athiyah Zahra, and the event was also attended by HIMADIKA and HMKM which were opened by Chandiny Suryanti. Then the event continued with singing the song Indonesia Raya and MARS Bela Negara. Then a speech by Nazhifa Nurul Azizah as the chief executive of VIOR 2024, a speech from Fariz Putra Utama Lubis as the General Chairperson of SEMA FIKES UPNVJ and a speech from the Chairperson of the Ormawa Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Continued with the presentation of the Grand Design Organization of SEMA FIKES presented by Fariz Putra Utama Lubis and Rosa Maulidia as the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of SEMA FIKES UPNVJ, then continued with the presentation of the Grand Design Organization by Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ presented by the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ. The presentation was accompanied by questions and answers about the work programs that had been presented by both parties.

The next activity was the delivery of the PEMIRA work program timeline to Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ. The next event was a discussion session or Sharing Session between SEMA FIKES UPNVJ and Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ. This Sharing Session aims to exchange opinions and information regarding the performance of SEMA FIKES UPNVJ and Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ during the current half period. In addition, to introduce SEMA FIKES UPNVJ to Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ and improve relations between SEMA FIKES UPNVJ and Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ. Then continued with the closing of the event by the MC and thanks from both parties.

It is expected that after the implementation of the Visit Ormawa or VIOR activity, SEMA FIKES UPNVJ can expand and establish relations with the Ormawa FIKES UPNVJ so that good cooperation can be established between the parties. (NAF)