To become a Nursing Study Program for Undergraduate and Nursing Programs that is superior, innovative, and has a State Defense Identity and can compete at the National and ASIA levels in 2030.
- Organizing superior quality Bachelor of Nursing and Nursing Education in accordance with the National Curriculum characterized by state defense.
- Prepare students who are of superior quality and have the spirit of state defense to be able to compete at the national level and the ASIA region
- Organizing research activities in the field of nursing that support the development of science and technology as a manifestation of state defense
- Organizing community service activities in the field of nursing with a focus on community empowerment in the realization of state defense
- Carrying out Tri Dharma in the field of Matra as one form of realization of State Defense
- Creating superior quality study program governance
- Creating an academic atmosphere characterized by state defense to support the realization of the vision of the study program
- Developing national and international networks with various parties to support tri dharma and student programs.