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PJBL Collaboration and Cooperation of Health Teams “Tensi: Reduce the Risk of Hypertension, Enjoy a Healthy Life”

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 21

FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, December 7, 2024, a Project Based Learning activity was carried out for the Health Collaboration and Teamwork Course through an educational form with the theme "Tensi: Reduce the Risk of Hypertension, Enjoy a Healthy Life". This event took place at Posyandu Rajawali 1, Meruyung Village, Limo District, Depok City, West Java. This Project Based Learning was carried out by Semester 5 and 7 Students from the Public Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Physiotherapy Study Programs of the Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta, with guidance from Dr. Novita Dwi Istanti, S.S.K.M., MARS. The target of this activity is mothers who live in RW 005, Meruyung Village, Limo District, Depok City, West Java.

Pengecekan Tekanan Darah 

The series of activities began with participant registration. Then participants were directed to take anthropometric measurements in the form of height and weight, as well as checking blood pressure. The event was opened by the MC and participants were invited to fill out a pre-test with the aim of measuring initial understanding. The event continued with singing the song Indonesia Raya and the National Defense March. After that, a speech was given by the chief executive, followed by a speech by representatives of the local community. Then the material on hypertension was delivered, including the definition and classification of hypertension, prevalence of hypertension, prevention of hypertension with balanced nutrition, lifestyle changes for hypertension sufferers, and physical activity for hypertension sufferers.

Pemaparan Materi oleh Mahasiswa Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Keperawatan, Gizi, Fisioterapi Program Sarjana Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta

The presentation of the material was divided into 2 sessions, interspersed with ice breaking activities. After the material session was finished, the activity continued with a question and answer session, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss further with students. Then participants were invited to fill out a post-test with the aim of measuring the participants' understanding after the presentation of the material. After that, the activity continued with an ice breaking prize-giving session and certificate presentation. The event was then closed and ended with a group photo session.



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