FIKES UPNVJ - On Monday, November 27 2023, active students of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Undergraduate Public Health Study Program (PSKMPS) specializing in Environmental Health (Kesling) made a field visit to a company engaged in waste management, namely Jagatera.ID. Jagatera Central Station is located in Bojongsari, Depok City. This field visit was carried out in the context of learning the Waste Management Course. A total of 30 students specializing in Environmental Health participated in this field visit, accompanied by Mrs. Nayla Kamilia Fithri, S.K.M., M.P.H. as Waste Management Course Coordinator, Mrs. Dr. Fajaria Nurcandra, S.K.M., M.Epid as teaching lecturer, as well as Mr. Arga Buntara, S.K.M., M.P.H. as PSKMPS Coordinator.
The activity started at around 8.30 WIB with a presentation from Jagatera. It was explained that Jagatera accepts almost all kinds of waste to then recycle it into valuable items. One of the most interesting innovations from Jagatera is JaBRICK. JaBRICK is a brick product made from textile waste inspired by French innovation which sparked the same thing. It can be said that Indonesia, through Jagatera, is the second country in the world to process textile waste into bricks. Currently, JaBRICK is going through laboratory trials and durability testing.
Students then received an explanation regarding the technical work of managing plastic waste, used cooking oil, glass bottles, styrofoam, and even mattresses. Jagatera also explained the market prices of these various wastes and the increase in value of processed waste products.
At the end, PSKMPS through its lecturers and PSKMPS Coordinator held discussions with Jagatera and discussed the potential for cooperation that supports the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities. In addition, PSKMPS is committed to actively participating in preserving the Earth. It is hoped that cooperation between the two parties can be established soon and provide wider benefits for society and the environment. (AB)