Kategori: LECTURE
FIKES UPNVJ - A Field Project entitled "Health and Safety Preparedness for Prospective Hajj/Umrah Pilgrims (Recognize and Prevent Heat Stroke)" has been implemented. The activity took place at the Umrah
FIKES UPNVJ - Based on the LAM-PTKes Decree Number 0787/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/X 2023 concerning the Status, Value and Accreditation Ranking of the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program at the Jakarta "Veteran"
HIMFIS : Physio Nation Championship “Achieve Your High Dreams and Be a Champion”
FIKES UPNVJ – A series of Physio Nation Championship Physiotherapy 2023 events have been held which were held by the Physiotherapy Student Association for Diploma Three Program Faculty of Health
FIKES UPNVJ - On Thursday, November 2 2023 at 13.00 WIB/14.00 Malaysia Time, a Student Mobility Program or Inbound-Outbound Student Program Discussion Meeting was held between the Public Health Study
Kategori: LECTURE
FIKES UPNVJ - Based on 2018 Basic Health Research Data, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia increased by around 56% in 5 years from 0.7% (2013) to 1.09% (2018) with
Praktik Keperawatan Komunitas "Musyawarah Masyarakat Kelurahan II Periode 1"
Kategori: LECTURE
FIKES UPNVJ - On Tuesday, October 31 2023, the Village Community Deliberation 2 (MMK 2) activity was held at Posbindu which is located in RW 01, Grogol Village, Limo District,
Completing the Student Workload Survey in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Environment
FIKES UPNVJ - Hello UPNVJ Students in accordance with SE Number: SE/100/UN61/HM.00.08/2023 concerning Completing the Student Workload Survey in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Environment. Come on, fill in according to
Kategori: LECTURE
FIKES UPNVJ – On Friday, September 15 2023, Health Education activities were held at Posbindu Mawar 1 Senja which is located at RT 02/06 Kampung Sasak, Limo District, Depok City.
KERMAGA #2 With Ners Indonesia
FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, October 14 2023, KSM Batavia held a work program from the Pusdalops division, namely KERMAGA (Inter-Agency Cooperation). KERMAGA or comparative study this time invited Indonesian
FIKES UPNVJ - On Monday, 16 October 2023, students from the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program took part in the 2023 HIMAFI Big Brain National Poster Olympiad with the theme Physiotherapy
FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire extended family of the Academic Community, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, congratulate and succeed to the students of the Public
FIKES UPNVJ - The 2023 HIMAFI National Big Brain Olympiad is a competency in the field of education intended for students organized by Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta. The 2023 HIMAFI National
FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire extended family of the Faculty of Health Sciences Academic Community welcome the LAM-PTKES Assessor Team, Dr. Bambang Trisnowiyanto, Ftr S.KM, M.Or and Totok
Matra Health Project "Matra Health Provision for Scout Raising Extracurricular Members at SMPN 14
Kategori: LECTURE
FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, 28 October 2023, the Matra Health Project activity was carried out with the theme "Matra Health Provision for Scout Raising Extracurricular Members at SMPN 14
HIMADIKA : Desa Binaan 2023 “Yuk! Periksa Kesehatan Secara Rutin Mulai Dari Sekarang”
Kategori: LECTURE
FIKES UPNVJ - On Friday, October 27 2023, assisted village activities took place with the theme "Come on! Check your health regularly from now on.” This activity is carried out