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Webinar Sport Physiotherapy 3.0 Program Studi Fisioterapi Program Sarjana “Memulihkan Performa, Mengatasi Cedera : Peran Fisioterapi dalam Mendukung Runners”

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 13
FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday 27 April 2024, the Sport Physiotherapy 3.0 Webinar was held with the theme "Restoring Performance, Overcoming Injuries: The Role of Physiotherapy in Supporting Runners". This webinar was held by the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Student Association (HISFO) Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The chief organizer of this event was Hana Kaamilah, MC Faiza Syifa Dzakira, and moderator Mrs. Kiki Rezki Faradillah, S.Ft., M. Biomed. This event was held to broaden the participants' insight, and also to find out more about physiotherapy and its role in supporting the runners.
The Sport Physiotherapy 3.0 webinar was attended by 136 participants with 64 SKP participants and 72 non-SKP participants. Participants who attended this event consisted of physiotherapy students, physiotherapy lecturers, and also physiotherapy practitioners. The participants came from several provinces in Indonesia, such as Java, Bali, NTB, Makassar and Sulawesi. This event was opened by the MC at 08.00 WIB, with participants already joining from 07.00 WIB. The MC guided the reading of the prayer, then continued by listening to the song Indonesia Raya which was then continued by listening to Mars Bela Negara.
After listening to the song, we continued with remarks. The first speech was delivered by the chief executive, namely Hana Kaamilah, then the second by the chairman of HISFO, namely Gibran Ghani, the third by the Head of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Undergraduate Study Program Mrs. Farahdina Bachtiar, S.Ft., Physio, M.Sc., AIFO., and the final speech and the one who opened the event was the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation, namely Mr. Agustiyawan, SST.Ft, M.Fis, Ftr, AIFO. After listening to the speech, all attendees had a group photo session guided by the MC. This group photo session uses 2 poses, namely the formal pose and the State Defense pose.
After taking a group photo, the MC handed over the event to the moderator, then the MC first read the CV from Mrs. Kiki Rezki Faradillah, S.Ft., M. Biomed. Then this event was hosted by him. The first speaker was Mr. Joko Purwadi, S. Tr. Kes, he is the Manager of the Advocacy and Professional Services Division of the Indonesian Physiotherapy Association (IFI). He presented material about the history of physiotherapy and the stages of making STR for Physiotherapy graduates. Before entering the material, Mr. Joko Purwadi, S. Tr. Kes, asked participants to fill out the pre-test that had been prepared by him. After the material presentation session, it was followed by a question and answer session. After the explanation of the material was complete, Mr. Joko Purwadi, S. Tr. Kes asks participants to fill out a post-test that has been prepared. After everyone had finished filling in the post-test, the moderator took over, reading the conclusions presented by speaker I. After that, the moderator directed them to hand over the speaker's certificate symbolically and don't forget to document it.
Next, the second speaker will be presented by Mr Heri Wibisono, S.Pd., M.Si., AIFO. He is a Physiotherapy Lecturer at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. He explained material about the Pathoanatomy and Physiology of Ankle Injuries in Runners. After delivering the material, it was followed by a question and answer session. Then the moderator takes over by reading the conclusion. Don't forget to give certificates to speakers and document them at the same time. After presenting this second material, the moderator returned the event to the MC and continued with ishoma for 30 minutes. Participants are allowed to leave the zoom room but must return to the zoom room at the specified time.
At 13.50 WIB the participants were back in the zoom room, then the MC opened it again and handed over the event to the moderator. The next session was the presentation of material by the third resource person, Mr. Dr. Andy Widjaja, DPT. He is the Owner of TeIndoPhysio. He presented material on Strategies for Handling and Preventing Injuries in Runners. After presenting the material by Mr. Dr. Andy Widjaja, DPT, held a question and answer session accompanied by a moderator. Then the moderator reads the conclusion. Don't forget to give certificates to speakers as well as document them.
All presenters have presented the material clearly and all questions have been answered well by the material presenters. The moderator returns the event to the MC. After the MC received it, the next event was the presentation of the moderator's certificate to Mrs. Kiki Rezki Faradillah, S.Ft., M. Biomed and documentation was carried out by the committee on duty. After completing the documentation, the MC started the next event, namely the Game Session which used the Quizizz platform. In this quiz there are 16 questions from the material previously explained. The winning participant is the one who answers each question correctly and quickly. From this quiz session, 3 winners were obtained, namely 1st Irfan Fathurrahman Firdaus from UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, 2nd Evana Salsabila Atong from UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, and 3rd Amelia Khoirunisa from UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The three winners will be contacted by the committee and then sent the prizes.
Because the entire series of events had finished, the MC announced the winners of the previous quiz session. After that, the MC closed the event and the MC did not forget to remind the participants to fill in their attendance attendance via the link provided by the committee. Participants are allowed to leave the Zoom room after filling in the attendance link.