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Sertijab Ka Laboratorium Kesehatan Masyarakat, Ka Laboratorium Fisioterapi dan Kaprodi Kesehatan Masyarakat Sert Pelepasan Dosen Purna Tugas

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 21

FIKES UPNVJ - Friday, March 22 2024 at the MERCe Building, Floor 1, Campus II UPNVJ, a handover ceremony was held for the Head of the Public Health Laboratory, Head of the Physiotherapy Laboratory and Head of the Public Health Study Program within the UPN Veteran Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences. The event was attended by the Dean, Deputy Deans, Chair of LP3M, Dean FISIP lecturers and educational staff.

The event began with remarks from Mrs. Desmawati, SKp, M.Kep, Sp. Kep, Mat., PhD as the dean of FIKES UPNVJ also opened the event. He said that UPN is one place where we can develop, he also expressed his thanks for their dedication and struggle for the progress of UPNVJ to Mrs. Desak Nyoman Sithi, SKp, MARS, PhD and Mrs. Agustina, SMIP, SKM. M.Kes while serving at FIKES until retirement.

The event continued with the signing of minutes of the handover of old and new officials, the first of which was the handover of the Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Mr. Arga Buntara, SKM., MPH with Mrs. Dr. Chandrayani Simanjorang, SKM., M.Epid, Second Handover of the Head of the Public Health laboratory, Mrs. Azizah Muslihah Fitri, SKM, MPH (represented by the Public Health laboratory, Mrs. Azizah, SKM) with Dr.Hj.Een Kurnaesih, SKM.M.Kes


and the third is the handover of the head of the physiotherapy laboratory, Mrs. Suci Wahyu Ismiyasa, S.Ft., M.Erg., AIFO with Mr. Heri Wibisono, AMd.FT., S.Pd., M.Si., AIFO.

Then it was continued with giving souvenirs and welcoming remarks by retired lecturers Mrs. Desak Nyoman Sithi, SKp, MARS, PhD and Mrs. Agustina, SMIP, SKM. M. Kes. The Dean expressed his thanks to the two full-time lecturers who had been dedicated and served while at UPN and made FIKES much better than before. They advised all lecturers and staff to maintain the success of their respective stories and never erase history.
