FIKES UPNVJ - With a sense of pride, Active Students of the 2021 Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta have completed a series of activities from the Nutrition on Trends (NEUTRONS) event with the theme "Optimizing Nutrition in the Digital Era: Navigating Trends and Challenges”. Nutrition on Trends (NEUTRONS) This activity is a National Seminar organized by Active Students of the Nutrition Study Program, Undergraduate Program Class of 2021, Faculty of Health Sciences, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta. This event was held offline on Sunday, November 19 2023 at the DKI Jakarta Province Education Quality Assurance Center (BPMP).
The Nutrition on Trends (NEUTRONS) activity began with an opening by the MC and singing the songs Indonesia Raya, Mars Bela Negara, and Mars UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Then continued with the delivery of welcoming remarks by Ruri Firliani Darmadi as Chief Executive of Nutrition on Trends (NEUTRONS) and ended with remarks by Mrs. Dr. Nur Intania Sofianita, S.I.Kom., M.K.M., as Coordinator of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program. The activity continued with a group photo followed by the MC reading the moderator's CV. After reading the moderator's CV, the activity continued with completing the pretest by Nutrition on Trends (NEUTRONS) participants. The next activity was reading speaker 1's CV by the moderator followed by giving material by Mrs. Dr. Firlia Ayu Arini, S.K.M., M.K.M., then a question and answer session by the participants. The next activity was the reading of speaker 2's CV by the moderator followed by the provision of material by Mrs. Gita Kartika Ramadhani, S.Gz., then a question and answer session by the participants. The activity was continued by the participants after carrying out ISHOMA and ice breaking, the next activity was reading speaker 3's CV by the moderator followed by the provision of material by Mrs. Khairizka Citra Palupi, S.Gz., M.Sc., then a question and answer session by the participants. The activity closed with a post-test and closing by the MC.