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  • indonesian
  • english

PJBL Kesehatan Matra Studi Lapangan Project Penyuluhan Kesehatan Healthy Sport, Fun Sport: Pertolongan Pertama Pada Cedera Saat Olahraga

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 247

FIKES UPNVJ - In order to fulfill the duties of the Matra Health course and in order to carry out the tri dharma of higher education, students who are members of the Matra Health course, Group 2 Class B3 with Supervisor Heri Wibisono, S.Pd., M.Sc., AIFO. , has held a Community Service on October 25 2023 with the theme "Health Sport, Fun Sport: First Aid for Sports Injuries". The activity took place at SMA Negeri 34 Jakarta, Pondok Labu, Kec. Cilandak, South Jakarta City, took place smoothly and was colored by the enthusiasm of the participants who were futsal extracurricular students. The activity was attended by 22 participants, Futsal Extracurricular Advisors, and Student Affairs Staff at State High School 34 Jakarta.


The activity began with participant registration, then the activity was opened by the presenters (Ria Nur Fitria and Novi Nursifa) and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, followed by remarks from the chief executive (Muhammad Harits Saefullah Saputro), remarks from the futsal extracurricular coach (Eka Permana M.Pd ) and remarks from student affairs staff (Aditya Suryana S.Pd). Then the event was officially opened with the presentation of plaques and certificates from the students to SMAN 34 Jakarta, who was represented by the chief executive to the student affairs staff. Then participants are directed to complete the pre-test.


After that, the material was presented on Health Sport, Fun Sport, First Aid for Injuries during Sports by students, namely Vionita Apriliana and Salma. Then the students demonstrated how to splint and RICE as a method of first aid when injured. Next, several participants were asked to practice again and this was followed by a question and answer session.

The next activity was a game with prizes in the form of a ball relay which was won by 13 participants with a mechanism where the presenter asked questions related to the material presented by the presenter. Continued with giving prizes to the winners of the games.


Before ending the activity, participants were asked to complete a post-test and continued with closing by the presenter. Then the activity ended with giving souvenirs to all participants and taking a group photo.