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HIMFIS : Physio Nation Championship “Achieve Your High Dreams and Be a Champion”

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 600

FIKES UPNVJ – A series of Physio Nation Championship Physiotherapy 2023 events have been held which were held by the Physiotherapy Student Association for Diploma Three Program Faculty of Health Sciences UPN Veteran Jakarta on 07, 21 and 29 October 2023 which were held online via Zoom Meeting and offline at GOR Griya Dinar with the theme "Achieve Your High Dreams and Be a Champion" The Physio Nation Championship activity is one of the work programs held by the Department of Arts, Culture and Sports aimed at supporting increased accreditation of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Study Program. This activity provides a forum for several competitions with categories Mobile Legend competition, gymnastics, videography and futsal. On Sunday, October 29 2023, there were 3 winning teams in the Mobile Legend competition, 3 winning teams in the gymnastics competition, 3 winning teams in videography, and 3 winning teams in futsal. Competition participants who take part in the 2023 Physio Nation Championship UPN "Veteran" Jakarta are active students and high school/equivalent students.


On the first day, Saturday, 07 October 2023, activities took place online via Zoom Meeting from 08.00 to 17.30 WIB. This event was attended by approximately 40 competition participants who came from various agencies, especially the Physiotherapy Study Program and from various high school/equivalent schools. This activity was guided by Farhan Abigian and Anifa Alya as the Emcee, who are Active Students of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2023. Then this activity began with the opening and reading of the rules and regulations by the Emcee, reported by the Chief Executive of Physio Nation Championship, remarks from the Head of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Student Association, and remarks from the Head of the Physiotherapy Study Program Department, followed by a group photo by all the committee and participants, and continued with the Mobile Legend competition. Then there were 3 winners, namely 1st place MAS HARIS, 2nd place ESWARA, and 3rd place POKEBIASALAH.


On the second day, Saturday, 21 October 2023, activities will take place offline at Griya Dinar GOR from 08.00 to 17.00 WIB. This event was attended by approximately 75 participants from various high schools/equivalents, 50 supporters, and 30 committee members. This activity was guided by the event committee by Muhammad Indra Apriyanda who is an Active Student in the Physiotherapy Diploma Three Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2022. Then this activity began with the opening and reading of the rules and regulations by the Event Host, and a report from the Chief Executive of the Physio Nation Championship . Then there were 3 winners, namely 1st place at Teladan High School, 2nd place at Paskita Global B High School, and 3rd place at SMAI Al Azhar 4.

On the third day, Sunday, 29 October 2023, the activity took place offline in the Tanah Airku hall, 5th floor, FIKES UPNVJ from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB. This event was attended by approximately 40 representatives from each winning participant. This activity was guided by Farhan Abigian and Anifa Alya as Hosts who are Active Students of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2023. This activity was guided by Farhan Abigian and Anifa Alya as Hosts who are Active Students of Diploma Program Physiotherapy Three Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2023. Then this activity began with an opening by the Master of Ceremonies, remarks by the Chief Executive of the Physio Nation Championship, remarks by the Chair of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Student Association, remarks by the Coordinator of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Study Program, and remarks by the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Cooperation, followed by a group photo by all the committee and participants, as well as a saman dance performance from Rajohimfis and a singing performance from one of the students, Theovanca Mardexa Audrelya, who is an active student in the Physiotherapy Program of the Diploma Three Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class 2021, then ended with the announcement of the winners of the competitions, namely the Mobile Legend, videography, gymnastics and futsal competitions.

The benefit of the Physio Nation Championship activities is to support increasing the accreditation of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Study Program and increasing students' ability to achieve achievements through healthy competition and upholding the value of sportsmanship. The end of the Physio Nation Championship activities will be published on the social media of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Student Association, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. (GMK)


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