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SEMA FIKES : Workshop How To Be A Project Officer

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 534

FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday 26 August 2023, SEMA Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a How To Be A Project Officer Workshop which was attended by How To Be A Project Officer Workshop participants, namely UPNVJ students and the general public. The event began with an opening by Bagas Prasetyo Aji as the MC of the event which was then continued with filling in attendance, pretest, opening and reading the rules, singing the songs Indonesia Raya and MARS Bela Negara. Then continued with remarks by Virma Eka Sari as Chief Executive and Siti Nurul Azizah as Secretary and General Treasurer of SEMA Faculty of Health Sciences. 


Then continued with remarks by Mr. Arga Buntara, SKM, MPH. As Supervisor of SEMA Faculty of Health Sciences and welcoming speech from Mr. Agustiyawan, SST, FT, M.Fis, Ftr,. AIFO as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation FIKES UPNVJ. Followed by Reading the Moderator's CV and Handing over the Event to the moderator and Introduction and reading of Speaker 1's CV and handing over the event to the speaker by Zihan Rahma as moderator.


The first presentation of material to the participants was carried out by Maulana Malik Ibrahim S.pd as General Chair of Jakarta Berabdi, Presentation of Material 1 on "The Importance of Literacy in Forming Project Planning" then continued with a question and answer session. Next, the presentation of material 2 was carried out by sister Belinda Azzahra, S.E as a Management Trainee at Philip Morris, conveying the Importance of Risk Assessment in Decision Making. followed by a question and answer session. This activity was carried out with the aim of increasing the knowledge of How To Be A Project Officer Workshop participants regarding how to become a leader who is responsible, has high integrity and has a positive attitude, increasing the motivation of How To Be A Project Officer Workshop participants to become responsible leaders with integrity. high level, and have a positive attitude, develop the skills of How To Be A Project Officer Workshop participants to become leaders and increase the self-confidence of How To Be A Project Officer Workshop participants to become leaders of an event or organization.


It is hoped that after this activity, participants in the how to be a project officer workshop can become leaders with high integrity, can better understand their own abilities to improve the competence of university graduates and compete in the world of work.


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