FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, August 19, 2023, BEM Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held an online event “Kelas Pergerakan 2” which was attended by new UPNVJ students in 2023. The event began with an opening by Jasmine Wanasti Fadhilah and Annisa Farhaeni as the hosts of the event which was then continued with an explanation of the action roleplay mechanism.
The action roleplay was carried out by new students of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPNVJ and guided by Bima Alfian Andaryanto and Abid Miftakhul Huda as the responsible people of the political field. The action roleplay was carried out with the aim of increasing the knowledge and skills of new students of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPNVJ regarding action management, action procedures, and the effectiveness of student actions carried out offline in the industrial era 5.0. In the action roleplay, students walk together to make rows and borders while singing a songs with the theme of struggle. Then students form a line to take turns making speeches and giving their opinions regarding the issues that each group has discussed through a study.
It hoped that after the event “Kelas Pergerakan 2”, the new students of Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in 2023 will gain knowledge and understanding of action management material, procedures for action, and the effectiveness of student actions carried out offline in the industrial era 5.0 that has been given. (AUK/NPM)