FIKES UPNVJ - On Monday, 22 May 2023, the Public Health Study Program Undergraduate Program UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (Prodi Kesehatan) attended the invitation of Halal bi Halal Central Management of the Indonesian Association of Public Health Experts (PP IAKMI). This activity was held in the AR Fachrudin Auditorium Room, 2nd Floor of the Faculty of Economics & Business Campus, Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. HAMKA Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta. The Public Health Study Program was represented by Mrs. Dr. Apriningsh, SKM, MKM, Mrs. Dr. Laily Hanifah, SKM, M.Kes., and Mr. Arga Buntara, SKM, MPH
Halal bi Halal begins at 13.00 WIB, starting with the opening of the host and continuing with the recitation of the holy verses of the Koran. Next there are remarks delivered by the Chairperson of the Committee, Mrs. Dr. dr. Emma Rachmawati, M.Kes., Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Dr. H. Anwar Abbas, MM, M.Ag. After the remarks, the inauguration of Regional Managers and Branch Managers of IAKMI DKI Jakarta was held for the 2023-2027 period. Chairperson of the IAKMI DKI Jakarta Regional Board for the 2023-2027 Period, Ms. Narila Mutia Nasir, SKM., MKM., Ph.D. also gave reports and remarks. He conveyed the commitment of Pengda IAKMI Jakarta to actively participate in solving public health problems in Indonesia.
This Halal bi Halal activity was also attended by the Council of Indonesian Public Health Workers and the Central Management of IAKMI. The Chairman of PP IAKMI, Mr. Dedi Supratman, SKM, MKM, also gave a speech. In his remarks, he highlighted the drafting of the Health Bill as an issue that must be guarded. Then, Dr. Ede Surya Darmawan as Chairman of the IAKMI PP Expert Council delivered his remarks highlighting public health challenges which are always resolved by an individual health service approach. The activity continued with remarks from the Deputy Chancellor III UHAMKA, Prof. Dr. Hj. Nani Solihati, M.Pd., Indonesian Minister of Health Mr. Budi Gunadi Sadikin via video recording, Mr. drg. Diono Susilo Y., MPH as the secretary of the KTKI representing the Indonesian Director General of Health Workers, and Mrs. dr. Agustin Kusumawti, M.Sc., PhD.
Hopefully the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Public Health Study Program can always establish good collaboration with IAKMI and contribute actively to improving the health status of the Indonesian people. (AB)