• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english


  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 538

FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, 3 June 2023, the Forum of Health and Administration Policy Student (Forhaps), which is a club under the auspices of the Public Health Student Association (HMKM), has carried out the Forhaps Sharing: Talkshow Forsha 2023 with the theme "Universal health coverage in Indonesia: Concept , Progress, and Challenges”. This activity is one of the work programs of the Public Relations Division which aims to share knowledge related to Health Policy Administration.


This activity was attended by several UPN "Veteran" Jakarta internal students and general students. A total of 58 participants attended. In addition, this activity also invited Mr. Apt. Riswandy Wasir, S.Farm., M.P.H., PhD. as a Lecturer in the Public Health Study Program. This event began with filling in the pretest and continued with several remarks given from Putri Andini Novianti who is the Chief Executive of the Forsha 2023 Talkshow. After that, it was continued with remarks from Putri Aulia Rosmayani who was the Chair of Forhaps for the 2023/2024 period, then remarks from Muhammad Imam Fadhillah who is the Chair of HMKM for the 2023/2024 period, as well as the last remarks delivered by Mr. Arga Buntara, S.K.M., M.P.H. who is the Coordinator of the Public Health Study Program for the Undergraduate Program of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.


This activity was guided by the host, Aghniya Choirunnisa and the moderator, Siti Humaira Syarif. Both are students of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Public Health Study Program Class of 2020. The talkshow session was delivered by the first speaker, Mr. Apt. Riswandy Wasir, S.Farm., M.P.H., PhD. In this first discussion it was conveyed that there was an application or implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Indonesia. In addition, Mr. Riswandy also explained that there were significant differences before and after UHC was implemented in Indonesia.


Of course, the implementation of UHC brings the delivery of this second material to further explain the challenges and deficiencies that occur in the implementation of the JKN-KIS program from BPJS Health to realize Universal Health Coverage (UHC). There are still many challenges faced by health services in Indonesia, especially in the 3T (Disadvantage, Front and Remote) areas. Apart from that, problems that are very visible occur due to several reasons, such as the lack of complete infrastructure, the lack of utilization of data and information systems, and the uneven distribution of the quality of health workers. After the presentation of the material by the second speaker, it was followed by a question and answer session with the participants.


At the end of the talk show, the host thanked the participants and speakers for agreeing to attend the Forsha 2023 Talkshow activity and then continued with a session to fill in attendance and evaluate activities. It is hoped that the activities that have been held can provide extraordinary benefits and insights to the participants who have attended. (PRM/PAR/PAN)



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