• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english


  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 307

 FIKES UPNVJ - On Wednesday 31 May 2023, the Faculty of Health Sciences held an "Ucap Janji Kepaniteraan Klinik dan Pemasangan Cap (Capping Day)" which was attended by 210 nursing students, namely the Bachelor of Nursing Program 134 students and the Diploma III Study Program in Nursing 76 students. This event was attended by Desmawati, SKp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat., Ph.D. as Dean, Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, S.Kep., M.Kep, Sp.Kep.MB as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Ns. Cut Sarida Pompey, S.Kep., M.N.S as Head of the Nursing Departement, Ns. Gamya Tri Utami, M.Kep as Head of Undergraduate Nursing Program, Ns. Laksita Barbara, S.Kep., M.N as as Head of Diploma Three Nursing Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Jonhardilivera Sembiring, S.Kep. , Ns, SH., MH as Deputy for Legal and Political Empowerment DPD PPNI South Jakarta, Ns. Tatiana Siregar, S.Kep., MM., M.Kep. as treasurer of DPK PPNI FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and several guests including Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, representatives from the field of clinical practice, namely: KiSA Depok Hospital, Pasar Minggu Hospital, and Marinir Cilandak Hospital.


The event started with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars Bela Negara, and Mars PPNI then continued with the recitation of the promised oath by all students led by the Dean. This ceremonial activity was then followed by pinning pins, nameplates, and capp by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN Veterans Jakarta accompanied by the head of the Nursing department to student representatives. The students who were representatives were Kholida Aulia (NIM 2210711002) and Fathir Asidqi Zen (NIM 2210711134) as student representatives of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program, while Muhammad Israfil (NIM 2210701023) and Gregoriana Alima Jesika Bhoki (NIM 2210701037) as representatives of Diploma Study Program students Nursing. After pronouncing the promise and pinning, the event was continued with the signing of the Minutes by the Sworn Taker, Dean of FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta Desmawati, SKp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat., Ph.D. and Head of the Nursing Department Ns. Cut Sarida Pompey, S.Kep, M.N.S as witnesses.


The dean, deputy dean, leaders of the nursing study program, and the guests sang Indonesia Raya, Mars Bela Negara, and Mars PPNI


Pinning pins, nameplates, and capp by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN Veterans Jakarta accompanied by the head of the Nursing department to student representatives


Signing of the Minutes by the Sworn Taker, Dean of FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta Desmawati, SKp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat., Ph.D. and Head of the Nursing Department Ns. Cut Sarida Pompey, S.Kep, M.N.S as witnesses


Greetings from representatives of “Ucap Janji Kepaniteraan Klinik dan Pemasangan Cap (Capping Day)” who are represented by Rizal Adrian Firdaus with NIM 210711031


Speech by the Dean of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine, Desmawati, SKp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat., Ph.D.


Providing of material on Nursing Ethics by Deputy Head of Legal and Political Empowerment of PPNI DPD South Jakarta Johnardilivera Sembiring, S.Kep., Ns., SH., MH



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