FIKES UPNVJ - On Monday, July 15 2024, the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta is holding a curriculum book revision meeting. This activity aims to update the Learning Outcomes of Graduates (CPL) of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program and adapt the curriculum to Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education. This meeting took place online via the Zoom application and was attended by the Curriculum Update Team consisting of Lecturers from the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program and led by the Study Program Coordinator, namely Mrs. Dr. Chandrayani Simanjorang, S.K.M., M. Epid.
During the meeting, several important points were discussed, namely the revision of Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), which was originally 25 points, compressed to 11 points, adjusting course names and semesters, as well as revising the results of the review of the Public Health Study Program curriculum book by LP3M UPNVJ. At this meeting, the Study Program Coordinator said that there would be adjustments to several courses in the Public Health Study Program to accommodate Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023, one of which is the Separation of the Pancasila and Citizenship Constitutional Courts, apart from that it is also related to the management plan for the Matra Health Constitutional Court which is one of the characteristics of the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program which will be managed by the Study Program itself. This received approval from all the Curriculum Renewal Lecturer Team.
Apart from discussions related to course adjustments, this meeting also discussed reducing the CPL for Public Health Study Program to 11 points, consisting of 2 points for Attitude, 1 point for Knowledge, and 7 points for Special Skills. This proposal was submitted by Mrs. Ulya Qoulan Karima, SKM., M. Epid who received approval from the entire Curriculum Team.
By holding this meeting, the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, FIKES hopes to produce graduates who are superior and ready to compete in the global era, and are able to make a real contribution to improving public health in Indonesia.