FIKESUPNVJ – A series of Ramadhan Blessing events were held which were held by the Physiotherapy Student Association of Diploma Three Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta on Saturday, April 6 2024, which was held offline at the Mizan Amanah Orphanage with the theme "Making Love by Returning Clean ”
The 2024 Ramadhan Blessing Activity is one of the work programs held by the Department of Community Social Affairs which aims to increase social awareness among students and the surrounding community about the importance of sharing love, especially with orphans in the month of Ramadan and actualizing the human values taught in religious teachings, such as care, compassion and empathy, through real contributions in providing compensation to orphans.
On Saturday, April 6 2024, activities took place offline at the Mizan Amanah Orphanage. The event starts at 10.00 WIB. This activity was attended by 19 children from the Mizan Amanah Cinere Orphanage. This activity was guided by Muhammad Farhan A. and Hanifa Alya as Emcees who are Active Students of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2023.
Then this activity began with an opening by the MC, remarks by the Chief Executive Berkah Ramadhan, Welcome Chairman of the Diploma Program Physiotherapy Student Association, Greetings from the Chairman of KSMI AN - Nahl, Greetings from the Trustees of the Mizan Amanah Orphanage, Greetings from the Accompanying Lecturer for the Ramadhan Blessing Activities, namely Mr. Rahman, then work on the Pre Test. Then continued with the presentation of material presented by Imam Syafe'i and Firda Aurelia Puspa, post test work, then continued with fun games, community donations and prayers, then a group photo session with all participants and also the committee and finally closing by the MC.
The benefit of the Ramadhan Blessing Activity is to introduce the wider Physiotherapy Study Program, especially the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Diploma Three Physiotherapy Program through a pre-test, material presentation and post-test as a forum for health promotion, and to provide a good understanding to children about values and the meaning of Ramadan through education delivered interactively and providing compensation to orphans to lighten their burden and give them happiness in the month of Ramadan. The end of the 2024 Ramadhan Blessing activities will be published on the social media of the Third Diploma Physiotherapy Student Association, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. (SPNA)