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Rapat Penyusunan Borang Re- Akreditasi Prodi Gizi Program Sarjana 2024 Bersama Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 18

FIKES UPNVJ - On Friday, March 1 2024 at 08.30-14.00 a re-accreditation meeting for the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program was held which was chaired by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs (Wadek 1) FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta Mrs. Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, M. Kep., Sp. Kep. MB. This activity was carried out in a hybrid manner with 7 offline lecturers and 5 online lecturers. This activity begins with an explanation by each lecturer who is responsible for the 9 criteria. In criterion 1, the presentation by Mrs. Dian Luthfiana Sufyan, S.Gz, M.Gizi conveyed the Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategy of the Undergraduate Program nutrition study program. Criteria 2 and 8 exposure by Dr. Firlia Ayu Arini, SKM, MKM who delivered about Civil Service, Governance and cooperation, criteria 3 presentation by Mr. Dr. Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Ilmu, S.Gz, M.Si about Students, criteria 4 presentation by Mrs. Utami Wahyuningsih, S.Gz, M.Si about Human Resources, Criteria 5 presentation by Mr. Nanang Nasrullah, STP, M.Si and Ibu Widayani Wahyuningtyas, MM. Criteria 6 and 7 were conveyed by Mrs. Iin Fatmawati, S.Gz, MPH and criterion 9 was conveyed by Mrs. Aimmatul Fauziyah, S.Gz, M.Sc. Next, Vice Dean 1 provides input from the filling that has been carried out by the team in criteria 1-9.


After filling in the Self Evaluation Sheet (LED) Criteria, it is checked, then each person responsible for the criteria completes the Study Program Performance Document (DKPS) and enters it into 1 gsheet link so that it is easy to track. Each link for each criterion is collected to form a complete and easy to find archive. The evaluation carried out by Vice Dean 1 is to provide a percentage of work progress on each criterion and the follow-up plan that will be carried out is to hold a full day meeting on March 7-8 2024 to complete all LEDs and DKPS as initial progress before submitting boring accreditation. will be planned for June 2024.