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Launching of the 2023 FIKES State Defense Book

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 103

FIKES UPNVJ - Faculty of Health Sciences, Veteran National Development University, Jakarta (FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta), continues to make efforts to instill and actualize National Defense Values, especially within the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment.

This year, FIKES launched another book about National Defense with the title Implementation of National Defense in Nutrition and Nursing Studies. The authors of this book are Desmawati, Dwi Suratmini, Indah Permatasari, Lina Berliana, Riantiti, Tatiana Siregar, Widayani Wahyuningtyas, and Yessi Crossita (write title)


The author wrote this book because he was inspired by the importance of nurses and dietitians implementing national defense in providing quality health services. As is known, defending the country must not be forgotten in the health aspect. Efforts to defend the country not only ward off physical threats from within and outside the country, but also the health aspect requires an effort to defend the country in order to create a healthy and resilient society. Therefore, this book is aimed at lecturers, students, or other parties who need reference material in implementing national defense in the study of nutrition and nutrition.


FIKES UPN Veteran Jakarta continues to strive to instill National Defense Values, especially in the learning process, so that the spirit of Nationalism and Patriotism can be realized as the main provision for graduates of the Faculty of Health Sciences