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Webinar Nasional Fisioterapi “Memulihkan Harapan dalam Keadaan Darurat Melalui Fisioterapi”

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 312

FIKES UPNVJ – A series of National Physiotherapy Webinar events were held which were held by the Physiotherapy Student Association for Diploma Three Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta on Saturday, November 18 2023, which was held online via Zoom Meeting, with the theme "Restoring Hope in Emergencies through Physiotherapy”.


The 2023 National Physiotherapy Webinar activity is one of the work programs held by the Academic Department which aims to increase the understanding and competence of health workers, including physiotherapists, in treating patients in emergency situations. The activity was carried out in the form of a webinar regarding the presentation of material about the critical role of physiotherapy in treating patients and restoring hope in emergency situations.


On Saturday, November 18 2023, the activity will take place online via Zoom Meeting. The event starts at 08.10 WIB. This event was attended by approximately 100 online participants from internal and external sources. This activity was guided by Hanifa Alya and Farhan Abigian as the Event Hosts who are Active Students of the Diploma Three Program in Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2023. Then this activity began with an opening by the MC, remarks by the Chief Executive of the National Physiotherapy Webinar, Chairman of the Association Diploma Program Physiotherapy Students, then a speech by the Coordinator of the Three Diploma Physiotherapy Study Program Mrs. Rena Mailani, S.Ft., M.Biomed., AIFO and a speech by the Head of the Physiotherapy Department Mrs. Farahdina Bachtiar, S.Ft., Physio, M.Sc ., AIFO continued with a group photo by all participants and the committee, then continued with the presentation of material by IFI South Jakarta Branch Mr. Yusuf Nasirudin, Ftr., M.Fis. with a question and answer session, then the first presentation of material by Mrs. Merina Sofiati, S.Sos., M.Sc. with a question and answer session, followed by an ice breaking session guided by the MC. Next, the second presentation of material by Mr. Agustiyawan SST.FT., M Fis., Ftr,, AIFO with a question and answer session then the third session presentation by Mr. Bambang Sadono, S.KM., M.H (KK), followed by the door prize announcement and closing of the event .


The benefit of the National Physiotherapy Webinar Activity is to introduce the Physiotherapy Study Program, especially the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Diploma Three Physiotherapy Program, as a forum for health promotion, and to give participants the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of treating patients in emergency situations.
Mental health. The end of the 2023 National Physiotherapy Webinar activities will be published on the social media of the Diploma Three Physiotherapy Student Association, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.