FIKES UPNVJ - NGTS training activities will be held from 9 to 10 November 2023 located at the Limo Depok Campus. This event was integrated with the Nutrition Education Communication course in semester 3, as many as 90 students participated, joined by 3 teachers from SD Rangkapan Jaya Baru and 3 teachers from SMPIT Darul Rahman III located in Depok City. The aim of the activity is to provide learning experiences in the form of theory and practice regarding the flow and procedures in implementing NGTS. The resource persons who provided this training were lecturers from the Nutrition Study Program and SEAMEO RECFON. The research took place starting from the Pretest, Building Learning Commitment and Introduction to Training, Material related to Nutrition and Health of School Age Children and Adolescents, Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition, Anthropometric Measurement Practices (Assessment of the Nutritional Status of School Age Children and Adolescents), Nutrition Education, Teaching Plans and Microteaching Practices on the first day. The second day related to material on School-Based Management for School Nutrition and Health Programs as Strengthening UKS/M with resource persons from the Depok City Education Office and the Depok City Health Service explaining regarding school/madrasah canteens. The material continued regarding NGTS Program Management, Preparation and Presentation of Follow-up Plans (RTL) by each school team, then closed by completing the Post Test and handing over certificates. (NIS)