FIKES UPNVJ - On Saturday, October 14 2023, KSM Batavia held a work program from the Pusdalops division, namely KERMAGA (Inter-Agency Cooperation). KERMAGA or comparative study this time invited Indonesian Nurses to collaborate in this event.
With the theme COALESCE: Imparting Experiences, Strengthening Fellowship with Indonesian Nurses, namely by uniting, sharing experiences, and strengthening relationships. In the KERMAGA#2 activity, the chairman or representative of each organization explains its grand design which contains organizational goals, organizational roles, division/department tasks, and work programs. After that, participants from KSM Batavia and Ners Indonesia held a discussion session in the main room.
After that, the discussion session at the KERMAGA#2 event continued with Ice Breaking and ended with a symbolic handover as a memento to the Indonesian Ners by KSM Batavia. With this work program, it is hoped that Batavia KSM and Indonesian Nurses can learn from each other about organizational knowledge and disaster management experience and hopefully this event can be the first step for Batavia KSM and Indonesian Nurses to work together well in the future.