FIKES UPNVJ - On Tuesday 17 October 2023, the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta carried out activities to establish a FIKES Doctoral and Research Grant Forum, by inviting FIKES leaders and doctorals, who at the meeting were Desmawati, SKp, M. Kep, Sp. Matt. Ph.D (Dean), Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, S.Kep, Sp.Kep, MB (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs), Agustiyawan, SST.FT, M.Fis., Ftr., AIFO (Vice Dean for Student Affairs & Cooperation), Dr. Apriningsih, SKM., MKM (Chair of the Department of Public Health and Coordinator of the Master's Program in Public Health Studies), Ns. Cut Sarida P (head of nursing), Dr. Nur Intania Sofianita, S.I.Kom, MKM (Nutrition Study Program Coordinator), apt. Riswandy Wasir, S.Farm., MPH., PhD, Dr. Fajaria Nurcandra, SKM. M. Epid, Dr. Hj. Een Kurnaesih, SKM, M.Kes, Lecturer in the Undergraduate Public Health Study Program, Dr. Sudiharto, SKp,. M. Kes., RN, Dr. Sirajudin Noor, SKp., M.Kes, Rita Ismail, S.Kp., M.K.M., MTD(HE)., Ph.D. Lecturer in the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program, Dr. Firlia Ayu Arini, SKM, MKM, Dr. Avliya Quratul Marjan, S.Gz, M.Si, Dr. Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Ilmi, S.Gz. M.Si, Dr. Yessi Crosita Octaria, dr., MIH Lecturer in the Nutrition Study Program Undergraduate Program and Educational Staff Irza Maudy Maharani, A.Md.Kep
The background to this activity is:
1. University Ranking demands, which are predominantly determined by the number of publications
2. Faculty demands to have and hold an International Conference whose output is all papers published in Scopus indexed Proceedings
3. There are many Research Grant offers that FIKES Lecturers can take advantage of,
4. Launch of the Ministry of Health data portal by the Minister of Health on 16 October 2023.
For this reason, FIKES needs to create a forum, namely the Doctoral and Research Grant Forum, which will work in the fields of research, community service and publication by bringing together Masters lecturers and multidisciplinary research (who incidentally, Masters lecturers have been quite productive so far).
Election of Chair of the Doctors-Research Grant Forum with requirements
1. H highest Scopus index
2. Sinta Highest score in the last 3 years
3. Not DT
4. Obtain external research grants as well as community service
5. Experience leading an organization.
The selection begins with candidate proposals from each department.
After selecting and checking the data, then
The Organizational Structure of the FIKES Doctoral and Research Grant Forum was selected:
Chair: Rita Ismail, S.Kp., M.K.M., MTD(HE)., Ph.D.
Deputy Chairman: Apt. Riswandy Wasir, Ph.D.
Coordination of Science Sector: Dr. Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Ilmi, S.Gz. M.Sc
Coordination in the Nutrition Sector: Dr. Avliya Quratul Marjan, S.Gz, M.Sc
Nursing Coordination: Dr. Sirajudin Noor, SKp., M.Kes
Coordination in the Public Health Sector: Dr. Fajaria Nurcandra, SKM. M. Epid
Coordination in the Physiotherapy Sector: Sri Yani, SST.FT, MSi
Members: All Doctors at the UPNVJ Faculty of Health Sciences. Which will involve all master's lecturers later during litabdimas. Hopefully it will make FIKES and UPNVJ more advanced