FIKES UPNVJ – On Saturday 30 September 2023, the Faculty of Health Science (FOHS) Project 2023 Opening Activity was held with the theme "Go The Extra Mile, Bring The Next Level" which was held online on the Zoom Meeting platform and live streaming on YouTube by BEM Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This activity was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Active Students and ORMAWA UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This event was held to channel talent interests and appreciate the achievements of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences students in the academic and non-academic fields as well as to celebrate or commemorate the birthday (Dies Natalis) of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences.
The event began with participants re-registering on the link provided by the committee via Zoom meeting chat to confirm existing data. Then, the event was opened by Muhammad Faathir Amri and Dinda Annisa Putri Lesmana as MCs for the Opening Faculty of Health Science (FOHS) Project 2023, then continued with a joint prayer, then reading the agenda and rules of the event and holding a group photo session guided by the MC. . This group photo session uses the State Defense pose. Next, listen to the song Indonesia Raya and the song Mars Bela Negara. Then, continued with remarks. The first speech was delivered by the chief executive, namely Nisa Kamila, the second by the chairman of BEM FIKES UPNVJ, namely Dimas Heryunanto, the third by the Deputy Dean 3 of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, namely Mr. Agustiyawan, S.ST.FT, M.Fis, Ftr , AIFO.
After the speech, the event continued with the inauguration and symbolic opening by showing the opening video of the FOHS Project 2023. Then, ice breaking continued with a solo vocal performance from one of the active Bachelor of Nursing students named Najiyatul Lutfiyah. After that, the MC closed the event by thanking him for holding the event and the MC did not forget to remind the participants to fill in their attendance via the link provided by the committee. Participants are allowed to leave the Zoom room after filling in the attendance link. (PPL/APC)