The National Seminar on Health Administration and Policy (AKK) for the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has been held on Sunday, June 25 2023 which was carried out online using the Zoom Meeting platform. The 2023 AKK National Seminar has the theme "The Empowerment of National Health Insurance in Indonesia with HUB (How It Works, the Urgency, and the Benefits) as the Implementation of Universal Health Coverage". The purpose of holding this activity is to fulfill the final assignment for one of the 6th semester courses, namely the Professional Seminar, as well as to disseminate understanding regarding the empowerment of the National Health Insurance in Indonesia through work methods, urgency, and benefits towards universal health coverage.
This activity was attended by students and lecturers of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Public Health Study Program, practitioners, academics, and the general public, as well as parties concerned with the development and empowerment of health insurance in Indonesia. The 2023 AKK National Seminar lasted 4 hours and 30 minutes. By presenting 1 Keynote Speaker and 3 Speakers, this activity was opened by Putri Regita Miolda, a student of the Public Health Study Program UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Class of 2020 as the MC.
After the event was opened, there was a group photo session, then continued with the screening of CAKAP and BAHASO Company Profile videos as sponsors in the 2023 AKK National Seminar. Then it was continued by listening to the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars Bela Negara as well as playing the Company Profile video for the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.
After that, it was followed by a welcoming session delivered by Mr. Apt. Riswandy Wasir, M.P.H., PhD. as a lecturer for the AKK Professional Seminar course, Bepak Arga Buntara, S.K.M., M.P.H. as the Coordinator of the Public Health Study Program Undergraduate Program UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, and Mrs. Ns. Fiora Ladesvita, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.
Then entered the main event which was opened by Prof. dr. Hasbullah Thabrany M.P.H., Dr. P.H. as the keynote speaker with the topic of discussion "Conditions, Efforts, and Coverage of Health Insurance Membership in Indonesia". The seminar session was guided by Mrs. Dr. Novita Dwi Istanti, S.K.M., M.A.R.S. as moderator.
The first material presentation was delivered by Prof. Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, S.K.M., M.A.R.S. by discussing "Optimization and Strategy for the JKN-KIS Program as a Solution to Strengthening Health Balance in the Digitalization Era". Then proceed with an ice breaking session guided by the MC.
Then it was continued with the presentation of the second material delivered by Ms. Suvany Tjie by discussing "The Right Strategy for Millennials in Determining Health Insurance". Then the presentation of the third material from the guest speaker, Prasetio Hadi Pratama, which discussed "Growing Generation Z's Understanding of Health Insurance".
After the material presentation session continued with a discussion and question and answer session guided by the moderator. The question and answer session was active and interactive.
Before the event closed, there was an announcement of the winner of the 2023 AKK National Seminar Ice Breaking session. Then the event was closed by filling in the attendance link in the form of a quiz and evaluation guided by the MC.