FIKES UPNVJ – A series of PHBS Counseling and Making Hand Sanitizer from Lime and Betel Leaves (SANISIR) events were held by Nursing Students Group 4 MBKM-ABN UPN “Veteran” Jakarta on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 which was held offline at the Buanajaya Village Office, Tanjungsari District, Bogor Regency, with the theme "Utilization of Natural Materials in Entrepreneurship: Making Hand Sanitizer from Lime and Betel Leaves to Improve PHBS."
The PHBS Counseling and Making Hand Sanitizer from Lime and Betel Leaves (SANISIR) activity is one of the work programs of group 4 ABN-MBKM Batch IV with the Field Supervisor Lecturer, namely Ns. Lina Berliana Togatorop, S.Kep., M.Kep. The purpose of this counseling activity is to utilize lime and betel leaves as natural ingredients in making Hand Sanitizer so that it can provide an effective alternative hand cleaner without the need for water. This activity provides a forum in the form of counseling to the Buanajaya Village community regarding education, demonstrations, and questions and answers on related themes.
On Tuesday, October 18, 2024, the activity started at 10:00 WIB until 12:00 WIB at the Buanajaya Village Office, Tanjungsari District, Bogor Regency. This activity was attended by Mr. Sudarjat as the Head of Buanajaya Village, Mr. Bubung as the Deputy Head of Buanajaya Village, Mr. Roim Kamajaya as the Secretary of Buanajaya Village, Warsih and Nengnong as Cadres of Hamlet 1 of Buanajaya Village and 26 participants who were residents of Hamlet 1 of Buanajaya Village.
The PHBS Counseling and Making Hand Sanitizer from Lime and Betel Leaves (SANISIR) activity was guided by Syalsabilla Putri and Ita Juita, active students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta class of 2022 as Master of Ceremony. The activity began by singing the song Indonesia Raya and the National Defense March. Then continued with speeches, the first speech was delivered by the Chief Executive, Khoirun Naswa Maulidia, the second speech was delivered by the Head of Group 4 MBKM-ABN IV, Clara Oktalia Cahyani, the third speech was delivered by RT 01 Dusun 1 Buanajaya Village, Karma, and the last speech was delivered by the Village Secretary, Roim Kamajaya.
The next series of events was the pre-test filling guided by the committee and continued with the Presentation of Material on Hand Sanitizer with Lime and Betel Leaves (SANISIR) by Adinda Putri Sri Cahyadi and Navisa Salsabilla Adi Maharani. After that there was a demonstration of making hand sanitizer with lime and betel leaves (SANISIR) carried out by Jinan Nur Rahayu, and continued with Education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) by Sausan Faran Nabila. After the education, the activity continued with ice breaking, a question and answer session, and filling in the post-test and evaluation of the activity process guided by the committee. The last series of events were the handover of certificates, a Documentation session, and closing by the MC. The benefits of this activity are that the community can learn about the benefits of betel leaves and lime and can utilize hand sanitizers as a new business opportunity that can increase their income and welfare.