FIKES UPNVJ - Tuesday, December 3, 2024, located at the Auditorium of the 8th floor of the MerCe Building and the Nursing Laboratory, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES), National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ), as many as 52 external participants and 32 internal participants attended the nursing preceptorship training with speakers namely Dr. Masfuri, S.Kp., MN and Ns. Erna Puspita Sari, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.M. External participants are clinical nurse supervisors from various hospitals or health facilities such as Depok Regional Hospital, Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, Pasar Minggu Regional Hospital, Pasar Rebo Regional Hospital, Cengkareng Regional Hospital, Bekasi Regional Hospital, Tarakan Regional Hospital, Mintoharjo Naval Hospital, Soeyoto Hospital, Cilandak Marine Hospital, National Police Hospital, Soeharto Herdjan Hospital, AGD Dinkes, PSTW Budi Mulya 1 Cipayung and PSTW Budi Mulya 4 Ciracas. Internal participants are nursing lecturers from various scientific specializations such as nursing management and basic nursing, medical surgical nursing, critical and emergency nursing, pediatric nursing, community nursing, maternity nursing and psychiatric nursing.

This preceptorship training aims to improve the knowledge and skills of clinical nurses regarding clinical guidance (preceptorship) and implement preceptorship knowledge and skills in assisting and guiding UPN “Veteran” Jakarta nursing students during practice in the practice field. After participating in this training, participants will receive a 10 SKP certificate from the Ministry of Health and be competent to conduct clinical guidance for students or new nurses.

The first day of the preceptorship training activity began with a speech by the Head of the Nursing Department of FIKES UPNVJ, Ns. Cut Sarida Pompey, S.Kep., M.N.S, followed by a speech and opening by the Dean of FIKES UPNVJ, Desmawati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Mat., Ph.D which officially marked the start of the preceptorship training. The event continued with the delivery of material 1 by Dr. Masfuri, S.Kp., MN with the topic of concepts and technology in clinical guidance and continued with discussion and questions and answers. The next event was the delivery of material 2 by Ns. Erna Puspita Sari, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.M with the topic of methods and evaluation of clinical guidance and continued with discussion and questions and answers.