FIKES UPNVJ – The RANALHECOM International Nursing Webinar activities have been held in commemoration of World Health Day which was organized by the Undergraduate Program Nursing Study Program Student Association (HM-PSIK) at the Faculty of Health Sciences UPN “Veteran” Jakarta and via the Zoom Meeting Platform. The event start at 08.00 AM – finished on Sunday, October 27, 2024 with the theme “No More Anxious! Strategies for Managing Anxiety in Daily Life” . This event was attended by Undergraduate Nursing Students Class of 2022 and 2023, active students of Faculty of Health Sciences UPN “Veteran” Jakarta, pre-clinical health students (D-3/D-4/S- 1) from Universities/Polytechnics/High Schools across Indonesia, as well as nurses from hospitals and speakers. The speakers for this activity included Ma’am Associate Professor Madiha Mukhtar, RN, MSN, Ma’am Associate Professor Dr. Zamzaliza BT Abdul Mulud, Ma’am Dr. Ns. Jesika Pasaribu, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J, and Mrs. Ns. Raphita Diorarta, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J and moderated by Ns. Gabriell Regina Solagracia Massie, S.Kep.
The purpose of this event is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of health students, community health workers, and healthcare professionals in applying their expertise and adopting a mindset towards Mental Health cases in Indonesia. The event begins with participant registration, followed by an opening by the MC, welcome remarks, a presentation of materials by the speakers, and concludes with closing session with impressions and messages from the participants.
The organization of this event is expected to mark the beginning of active engagement by the Faculty of Health Sciences at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, involving pre-clinical health students from universities, polytechnics, and high schools across Indonesia, as well as nurses from hospitals. The aim is to foster a sense of concern for mental health issues in Indonesia by increasing awareness about prevention strategies applicable in daily life. (FRA)