FIKES UPNVJ - On October 11, 2024, a team of students from the Nutrition Study Program, Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta brilliantly won the Gold Medal in the 2024 World Youth Invention and Innovation Award (WYIIA) online competition. The team consisting of Rina Rachmadina Nasution, Jauharah Nur Amalina, Khalillah Aisha Ramadhani, Serli Marlina, and Nasywa Falina Hamid, under the guidance of Nanang Nasrulloh, S.T.P., M.Sc., The title and innovation that were submitted were "CICOBAR: Cilembu Sweet Potato, Coix Seed, and Bambara Groundnut-based Functional Food as a Local Innovation of Emergency Food Product (EFP)", which is an innovation of emergency food products in disaster situations.
WYIIA itself is an international event that is routinely held annually by the Indonesian Youth Scientists Association (IYSA) both online and offline. This year, the WYIIA in collaboration with Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa (UST) and IPB University opened various innovation categories, namely mathematics, environment, technology, energy and engineering, life science, and social science. WYIIA 2024 was attended by 460 teams from 16 countries, with details of 304 teams in the online competition and 156 teams in the offline competition. The competition began with the collection of titles and extended abstracts, presentations and judging, and ended with awards for medal winners.
This competition aims to provide an opportunity for young researchers to showcase their innovative projects that are expected to contribute to world development.