• Languages :
  • indonesian
  • english

Field Study of the Implementation of Cooperation and Collaboration at the Tanjungsari Community Health Center, Kab. Bogor BY MBKM ABN FIKES STUDENTS

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 167

FIKES UPNVJ - Field study activities have taken place on the implementation of cooperation and collaboration between medical personnel and health workers at the Tanjungsari Community Health Center, Kab. Bogor, West Java, organized by BMKM ABN Students from the Nursing Study Program, Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.

This activity took place from 08.00-15.00 WIB on 5-7 October 2023. This activity was attended by all MBKM ABN (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Actualization of National Defense) students. The aim of holding this event is to analyze and provide an overview of the process of cooperation and collaboration of health teams, especially at the Tanjungsari Community Health Center.


This activity began with providing activity permits, time contracts with health workers, making cinematic videos at the Tanjungsari Community Health Center, submitting educational posters and conducting interviews to examine the implementation of cooperation and collaboration carried out by medical personnel and health workers at the Tanjungsari Community Health Center. All activities have previously received approval from the Tanjungsari Community Health Center UPT.


This field research activity is to provide an overview of how cooperation and collaboration from the Health team is implemented in health services. MBKM ABN FIKES students conducted interviews with Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Midwives, Medical Records Personnel, Pharmacists, Nutritionists, Laboratory Assistants.