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FIKES and Nursing Department Explore Initial Collaboration Plans with German Institutions for Alumni Job Opportunities and International Classes

  • :
  • : Devi Puspita Sari, S.Komp
  • : 15

FIKES UPNVJ - Wednesday, December 11, 2024, received representatives of the German institution, Deutsche Sprachwelt Zentrum, in the field of education and absorption of nursing graduates to work in German hospitals. The Dean of FIKES UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Desmawati, S.Kp., M.Ke., Sp.Kep.Mat., PhD, conveyed the opportunity for cooperation in order to increase the internationalization of the Faculty and Study Programs, which can be in the form of absorption of nursing graduates, international classes for the final year of education held in Germany by designing a special international curriculum.

Sosialisasi terkait peluang kerja di Jerman kepada mahasiswa keperawatan dan alumni

Representatives of Deutsche Sprachwelt Zentrum (DSW) said that they would conduct socialization regarding job opportunities in Germany to nursing students and alumni so as to provide a complete picture of information on each process. DSW also facilitates the fulfillment of German which is an absolute requirement to work in Germany by conducting German language training that can be given to students starting from the academic phase or those who have completed the Nursing profession.


In addition, as a follow-up, FIKES and facilitated by DSW will make a cooperation agreement with German hospital institutions or educational institutions to determine the scope of potential cooperation. Currently, Germany needs many nurses, and starting with nursing and then can open up opportunities for cooperation for other study programs at FIKES.


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