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Congratulations and Success to Bachelor of Nursing Student Friizy Agustian Winning Bronze Medal (Competing) Kemenpora Cup Cilacap Championship 1

FIKES UPNVJ - Dekan dan Keluarga Besar Akademika Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UPN “Veteran” Jakarta Mengucapkan Selamat dan Sukses Kepada Mahasiswa/i  dalam Rangka Kejuaraan Nasional Piala Kemenpora Cilacap Championship 1 Tahun 2023


Congratulations and Success to D3 Nursing Student Putri Apriyanti Winning Gold Medal (Solo Arts) Kemenpora Cup Cilacap Championship 1

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and Academic Family of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Congratulations and Success to the Students in the Context of the National Championship,


Congratulations and Success to D3 Nursing Student Putri Apriyanti Winning Gold Medal (Competing) Kemenpora Cup Cilacap Championship 1

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the Academic Family of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, congratulate and succeed to the students in the context of the National


Congratulations and Success to Undergraduate Nursing Student Helena Chandra Calista Winning Gold Medal in Kemenpora Cup Cilacap Championship 1

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the Academic Family of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Congratulations and Success to the Students in the Context of the 2023


Congratulations and Success to Students in the Context of the 1st Year 2023 Kemenpora Cup Cilacap Championship National Championship

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the Academic Family of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta congratulate the students in the context of the National Championship Cup Kemenpora


Congratulations and Success on Obtaining Accreditation for the Public Health Study Program Undergraduate Program Achieves SUPERIOR Accreditation Predicate

FIKES UPNVJ - Based on the LAM-PTKes Decree Number 0787/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/X 2023 concerning the Status, Value and Accreditation Ranking of the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program at the Jakarta "Veteran"


Congratulations and Success to the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program Students for winning 2nd Place in the 2023 HIMAFI Big Brain National Olympiad

FIKES UPNVJ - On Monday, 16 October 2023, students from the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program took part in the 2023 HIMAFI Big Brain National Poster Olympiad with the theme Physiotherapy


Congratulations and Success to Public Health Undergraduate Study Program Students for Winning 2nd Place in the 2023 National Health Competition

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire extended family of the Academic Community, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, congratulate and succeed to the students of the Public


Congratulations and Success to the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program Students for winning 3rd Place in the 2023 HIMAFI Big Brain National Olympiad

FIKES UPNVJ - The 2023 HIMAFI National Big Brain Olympiad is a competency in the field of education intended for students organized by Aisyiyah University Yogyakarta. The 2023 HIMAFI National


Selamat dan Sukses Mahasiswi Profesi Ners Renasti Pratiwi Berhasil Meraih Juara 3 pada nomor Paired Embu Women Kyukenshi pada Shorinji Kempo World Taikai 2023

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire Academic Community of the Faculty of Health Sciences, National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta wish you CONGRATULATIONS and SUCCESS to Renasti Pratiwi 2310721030


Congratulations and Success to Faradina Bachtiar, S.FT, PHYSIO, MSC for getting a Pre-Doctoral Scholarship in 2023

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the Entire Big Family of FIKES UPNVJ Wish Congratulations and Success, to the Lecturer of the Physiotherapy Study Program Undergraduate Program Faradina Bachtiar, S.FT,


Congratulations & Success to S1 Physiotherapy student Siti Fatimah Zahra for winning 1st place in the Satria Bumi Pamungkas 3 Pencak Silat Championship

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the Entire Big Family of FIKES UPNVJ Congratulate and Success, to the Physiotherapy Study Program Undergraduate Student SITI FATIMAH ZAHRA 2310715021 Pencak Silat Championship


Congratulations and Success to the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program Student who won 2nd place in the National Physiotherapy Olympiad Competition

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire extended family of the academic community, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, wish congratulations and success to the undergraduate Physiotherapy Study


Congratulations and Success to the Students of the S1 & D3 Physiotherapy Study Program who won 3rd place in the National Physiotherapy Olympiad Competition

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire extended family of the academic community, Faculty of Health Sciences, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, wish you congratulations and success to the students of


Selamat & Sukses Kepada Dosen Gizi Muh. Nur Hasan Syah, S.Gz, M.Kes Penghargaan Fans Young Nutrition Leader Award di Asian Congress of Nutrition di China 2023

FIKES UPNVJ - The Dean and the entire academic community wish congratulations and success to Muh. Nur Hasan Syah, S.Gz, M.Kes Lecturer in the Nutrition Study Program for Undergraduate Programs
